Preparing Nutritious Lunch Box for Kids Is Important For Healthy Upbringing


Packing a lunchbox for a kid is probably one of the things parents dread most. Packing your children’s lunch for school with something they like which at the same time is healthy too, can be a very monotonous as well as a tough chore for them. Know that the average school year lasts 180 days, so that means there is a whole lot of meals to prepare.

Think Of Interesting Lunch Box Menu for Kids

Remember that a third of child’s daily food intake is at school, hence, it is of vital importance that the food included in kid’s lunch box provides needed nutrients, vitamins and a proper potion of minerals for an action-packed day of energy and growth. Kitchen accessories are never complete without the addition of valuable lunch boxes that can be used for various purposes.

Kids often have their own favorites and are very picky in what they eat so they do not like much if their lunch box is filled with the same sandwich every day. So, there always needs to be something different in kid’s lunch boxes that should be healthy yet interesting for them to munch on. Think of the ideas that are out of the box and find something in a way that your child will happily eat.

Healthy Lunch Box Fuels the Kids with Energy

Kids are likely to prefer food items that are usually not good for them, for instance, junk and processed food. Moreover, time is a real constraint for working mothers as it is hard for them to make and pack a nutritious meal altogether in their lunch boxes before they leave for school. But a healthy lunch box full of nutrients gives your child the energy to concentrate, learn and participate in daily activities, so, balancing the nutritional needs of growing children while offering foods they would be interested in, is really challenging for even the most organized parents.

Finding time to shop for, prepare and pack lunches as well as to find an appealing lunch box for kids can be a major challenge for many parents. TradeBone offers appropriately portioned Bento top rated lunch boxes for kids to pack food items and snacks in one meal for the ultimate nutritious needs of your child. That’s why the importance of packing a healthy lunch box for kids is immeasurable.

Keep Kid’s Lunch Box Ideas Simple

Kids are more alert and focused when powered with healthy food and they mostly want to eat quickly so that they can go and play. What’s more important here is to keep their lunch boxes simple yet interesting for them.

  • Choose a mixture of nutrients for food that are simple and easy to eat as well as simply placed in compartment lunch boxes. Because sometimes it gets annoying for them to spend time on detailed packaging that takes up more of their time.
  • Make sure that lunch box compartments are well organized and can be easily opened. Because you will not want your kid to leave lunch or lose interest because it’s hard for them to get.

How to Involve Kids in Healthy Eating?

TradeBone kids lunch box

Read on to find out the ideas to get the kids on the path to healthy eating. We have saved you the trouble by putting together a collection of healthy lunch box ways to make the task easier for parents as well as to instill interest in kids.

1- Pack a Balanced Lunchbox

Try to include all of the forms of food groups for a variety of nutrients. For instance, include; a piece of fresh fruit, crunchy veggie sticks, protein like egg, a dairy option like yogurt or cheese and a portion of carbohydrates like bread or a wrap. In case there is not much time you get in the morning to prepare for your kid’s lunch box, prepare food the night before and freeze it to ready to take along in the morning.

2- Get Creative with Adding Vegetables and Spices

Surely, kids are really fussy about the meal choices but the sooner they try new and interesting tastes like herbs and spices, they may like and will continue eating them. That way you can encourage your kids to try new tastes and flavors by thinking of ways to add in veggies without them even knowing. Try adding grated carrot, zucchini, and extra veggie servings, along with that you can also use fresh tomatoes and herbs in sauces and they will love the taste.

3- Cook With Your Kids and Instill a Nutritious Lunchbox Sense in Them

Make preparing and cooking meals a fun and family activity for your kids. It’s important to try and make time to cook with your kids by telling them that they can also pack it for their lunch box the next day. This teaches kids the value of making a nutritious meal for themselves and they will absolutely enjoy being their own head chef. This will also encourage them to choose items for their lunchbox and it will prevail a sense of empowerment about what they’re eating. Later on, you can appreciate when they make healthy choices.

4- Don’t Keep Unhealthy Snacks in the Pantry

An easy rule implies here is that, out of sight, out of mind. Simply avoid buying unhealthy snacks and they won’t be present in the pantry and your kids won’t ask you for them every now and then.

5- Parents Should Make Healthy Food Choices

Remember, kids, learn from us by observation. If we make unhealthy food choices and lead inactive lives they will naturally take this to be normal behavior. Parents need to take responsibility for the health of their children by doing the right thing their selves as much possible.

6- Educate Your Kid on the Importance of Healthy Lunch

Children do not know why they should eat a healthy, balanced diet, so, educating kids on why it’s important to eat well and look after their selves is a key factor and not just something that should be left up to them or their teachers. Know that the earlier kids learn to develop a positive sense of relation with healthy food, the more likely they will carry on with healthy adulthood.

Check out this latest Tradebone Lunch Box: Leakproof 5-Compartment Bento Lunch Box